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Forestry share of voluntary carbon market slumps

An international survey of the voluntary carbon market that includes data from Australian and New Zealand firms has found forestry projects have slumped from being the major source of offset credits in 2006, with the mantle now passing to renewable energy projects.

But the voluntary carbon market is booming overall, the report says. And, with more and more companies developing carbon offset strategies, 2008 is likely to see even more rapid growth.

News in brief, January 30, 2008

Only 2% of large businesses confident of their emissions data * ACF says company cars set to guzzle $2 billion a year in tax revenue, urges federal 'green' Budget * Woolies and grocery association contemplate carbon labelling * Allens findings on Gunns mill 'not credible', say researchers *

Regulator praises Sydney Water's conservation efforts * Major economies meeting to air concerns on 50% target, as Bush flags US$2 billion clean technology fund * U.S. watchdog agency urged to look at carbon offset claims *

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