Environmental compliance news for business


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'50% cut will cost US$200 a tonne' warns energy agency, as union chief calls for new climate alliance

The head of the International Energy Agency told last week's major economies meeting in Hawaii a "CO2 incentive" of US$200 a tonne would be needed to deliver a 50% cut in emissions by 2050, the IEA revealed yesterday.

Meanwhile, the head of Australia's mining union, Tony Maher, has canvassed the creation of a new climate change pressure group and has urged resource companies to massively boost their spending on carbon capture and storage.

Greg Bourne calls for greenhouse trigger in EPBC Act and energy legislation

WWF Australia chief Greg Bourne says a range of laws – not just the federal EPBC Act – must be changed so large greenhouse gas emitters undergo regulatory scrutiny. Plus ACF calls for tax subsidy phase-outs, BCA cautions on meshing renewables and trading schemes, EBA calls for 'war council' approach. (with audio)

Environment groups warn business: be wary of retailer claims on 'green energy'

An alliance of major environment groups is warning businesses wanting to use their electricity purchases to drive new investment in renewable energy generation that some energy retailers are providing "seriously misleading" descriptions of their green electricity products.

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