Environmental compliance news for business


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ACF timeframe for revamped trading bill unrealistic, says Senate inquiry chair

Chair of the Senate trading bills inquiry, Labor Senator Annette Hurley, has poured cold water on an ACF suggestion that a further round of legislation could be passed before mid-2010 if the current bill fails. Plus Colonial First State on the different messages firms can give to politicians and to investors, and more Senate testimony.

We want 10% to 15% of permits say generators, as Greenpeace gets musical over coal

Coal-fired generators need free permits equivalent to 'as few as 10 to 15% of the total emissions permit pool', according to the National Generators Forum. Meanwhile, Greenpeace has issued a musical anti-coal video to pressure the Rudd Government not to give money or free permits to fossil fuel-fired power stations.

Greg Bourne to Coalition: stop bleating and moaning on modelling

The Coalition should stop 'bleating and moaning' about not having the economic modelling on emissions trading because they had 10 years to get it done while in office, WWF chief Greg Bourne tells CE Daily.

Bourne also warns the Greens that seeking to impose their idea of a perfect scheme could jeopardise efforts to put something in place quickly.

Greg Bourne calls for greenhouse trigger in EPBC Act and energy legislation

WWF Australia chief Greg Bourne says a range of laws – not just the federal EPBC Act – must be changed so large greenhouse gas emitters undergo regulatory scrutiny. Plus ACF calls for tax subsidy phase-outs, BCA cautions on meshing renewables and trading schemes, EBA calls for 'war council' approach. (with audio)

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